Apostle Michael & Yvonne Galletta
Apostle Michael Galletta, a native of San Francisco, CA, enrolled in School of Ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church, Saratoga, CA in April 1988, and interned as a disciple for five years under the administration of Reverend Rita Felix. After two years, he then graduated and received his Ordination and co-pastor at Genesis Upper Room Church. Apostle Michael has ministered throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California and Salem, Oregon. In October 2006, he was appointed Senior Pastor and serves as President and Senior Board Member of Genesis Upper Room Church.
Apostle Yvonne Galletta is the daughter of the founding member of Genesis Upper Room Church and was ordained as a ministry in 1989. She has been involved in Christian ministry from a very young age when she attended services held by her mother and was a help mate to the ministry. Eventually, she attended the inaugural class of Morris Cerullo’s “School of Ministry” in San Diego in 1980. On October 12, 2005, Reverend Rita Felix went home to be with the Lord, it was at this time that the Lord called Apostle Michael Galletta to the position of Senior Pastor of Genesis Upper Room Church with his wife, Prophetess Yvonne Galletta. Prophetess Yvonne was born a child of promise and has given her life at a young age to the Lord. She seeks to serve him by expressing His love through her to His people. She is a strong support for Apostle Michael and the leadership of Genesis Upper Room Church. Furthermore, she guides and coordinates the women’s ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church. She focuses on equipping God’s women in the ministry. Apostle Michael and Yvonne Galletta have been blessed with their children, Evan and Kiley Galletta, his wife, and Aidan and Yoceline, his wife, who are raising their two sons, Gianni and Luka.
Apostle David & Pastor Mary Ayala
Apostle David Ayala and Pastor Mary have been in service to the Lord since they received their ordination in 1986. They were under the mentorship of God’s handmaiden, Rita Felix, founder of Genesis Upper Room Church. They continue to receive biblical foundational teaching from the School of Ministry of Genesis Upper Room Church, and God’s prophet, Dr. Morris Cerullo’s World Evangelism School of Ministry. They operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the edification of the body of Christ. Apostle David with his wife, Pastor Mary, stand in unity with Apostle Michael and Prophetess Yvonne Galletta under the leadership of the Holy Spirit; declaring the word of God and proclaiming deliverance, healing, and salvation unto God’s people through the name of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mary provides administrative support to the ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church and the women’s ministry. Her gifts of helps are a tremendous asset to the ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church. Pastor Mary assists in ministering to God’s women through the Love of the Father through The Deborah Institute. Their first ministry is their 40-year marriage where they have been blessed with 3 children and 5 grandchildren. They are committed to fulfill their desire to reach the hearts and minds of God’s people and to bring peace, hope and joy though the word of God. Declaring and Decreeing a thing and it will be established for you and light will shine on all your ways. (Job 22:28)
Minister Sharlet Ramento
Minister Sharlet Ramento has been with Genesis Upper Room Church since 2012. The moment I entered the sanctuary the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ gripped my heart and I was forever changed. and received her Ministry Ordination in 2018. Sharlet is an integral member of the core leadership team for Genesis Upper Room Church and for The Deborah Institute, and assists in the ministry’s mission “… to set the captives free.” Minister Sharlet is an intercessor for the services, apostles, prophets and pastors of the ministry of Genesis, and has a willing heart to serve God’s Kingdom people through the ministry of helps in all aspects of ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church. Sharlet has a calling on her life to minister to God’s people and to operate in the five-fold ministry in deliverance ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church.
Minister Sharlet lives in San Jose, California, where she raised her son and daughter.
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isaiah 60:1